Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Wild Things by Dave Eggers

What's it about?:
Max is a rambunctious eight-year-old, living with his mother and his sister, terrorizing the neighborhood on his bicycle. But Max’s world is changing around him: His father is absent and his mother is increasingly distracted. Max's teenage sister is outgrowing him, leaving him alone in favor of her friends. Sad and angry, Max dons his wolf suit and makes terrible, ruinous mischief.

Setting off into the night, Max finds a boat and sails away to an island. Here he meets strange and giant creatures. Creatures that rage and break things. Creatures that trample and scream. These monsters do everything Max feels inside! And so, Max appoints himself their king. Here, on a magnificent adventure with the creatures, Max can be the wildest thing of all.

My Thoughts:
When I found out that someone had written a full length novel based off Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, I was very excited. Where the Wild Things are was my favorite childhood book and to this day I still love it to pieces.

However, this book was a huge disappointment. The beginning of the book was decent but then Max gets on the island and everything takes a turn for the worse. While the descriptions of the monsters were good, they have no real personalities and they are really easy to get mixed up. Then when the next three chapters were about Max fighting and talking to ROCKS, I knew I was in trouble. Max is suppose to be eight years old but honestly, I would have guessed he was three or four by his actions if I didn’t know any better.

Oh and the writing, BAD BAD BAD. I will give you an example:

"Max has never bit her before. He was scared. His mom was scared. They saw each other anew."
Do you know how to make sentences? Because I would guess not.

I just think that this book was really stupid and just all filter of the original with bad writing added to the mix. The ending was also disappointing.

If you have kids, I would definitely recommend that you just stick with reading them the original story.

Number of Pages: 288
Stars: 1
Books read in 2011: 3

1 comment:

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